About Bay Psychology Group

About Bay Psychology Group

Bay Psychology Group was founded in Jan 2018 after a decade of planning and preparation. It is based on the three core ideas: (1) if you have insurance you should be able to use it, (2) team approaches to mental health care work better than piecemeal treatments, and (3) psychodynamic/psychoanalytic therapy has the best evidence for long-term change.

We believe strongly in these core ideas and have built Bay Psychology Group from the ground-up to integrate them into every aspect of the company.

We are an inclusive practice where all genders, races, faiths, ethnicities, sexualities, etc. are welcome.

What is a Contemporary psychoanalytic/psychodynamic psychotherapy?

Contemporary psychoanalytic or psychodynamic psychotherapy is a form of therapy that is rooted in the principles and theories of psychoanalysis, but has evolved and incorporated elements from other therapeutic approaches, to become more flexible and effective in treating a wider range of people and mental health issues.

The goal of contemporary psychoanalytic therapy is to help individuals, couples, and families gain insight into their unconscious thoughts, feelings, and behavior patterns, in order to understand and resolve the underlying emotional conflicts that may be causing psychological distress.

The therapy is conducted through 1x-5x weekly sessions with a trained psychoanalytic therapist, who provides a supportive and non-judgmental environment for you to explore your thoughts and feelings. Your therapist uses a variety of techniques such as free association, transference, and interpretation to help you gain insight into your unconscious material and work through any emotional conflicts.

Contemporary psychoanalytic therapy is often a long-term form of therapy, and it can take several months or years to complete. However, it can be very effective in resolving deep-seated psychological issues and improving overall emotional well-being.

It is important to note that contemporary psychoanalytic therapy is not a one-size-fits-all approach, and your therapist will work with you to tailor the therapy to meet their specific needs and goals.

Some of our Specialties

Other Issues you may wish to work on:

  • Being true to yourself
  • Better self-understanding
  • Making decisions about career and/or graduate school
  • Making decisions about love and relationships
  • Improving your relationship with your parents, co-workers, boss
  • Deciding to get married, have kids
  • Dealing with death, illness, and loss
  • Aging

Don't see what you're looking for? Don't worry. This is only a partial list. Please get in touch. Chances are we can help.


Make an appointment and we’ll contact you.

    Contact us for an appointment

    What type of appointment would you like to schedule?*

    Would you like to schedule for virtual or in person?*

    Your Name*

    Your Email*

    Guardian Name(s) if client is under 18, N/A if 18+ - if for couples therapy provide partner's name*

    Your Phone Number*

    Your Insurance information*

    Your insurance ID and group number (This helps us verify benefits. It may contain letters and numbers)

    Please upload a copy of the front and back of your insurance card*

    Patient Date of Birth*

    Do you have a therapist preference?

    How did you get referred to us?*

    Additional information--if you selected other in the "How did you get referred to us?" question please use the space below to elaborate on your response.*