Adolescent Therapy

Teens need a place to talk, but may not be able to ask for it. They are more likely to open up if they feel they can do so without fear of criticism or judgment.  It can be difficult to hear that your son or daughter is suffering without jumping to advice-giving. If you feel you are struggling to help, or are worried your son or daughter needs more, our team at Bay Psychology Group can help. Here are some of the issues we can address:


When counseling for teens may be appropriate:

  • Refusing to attend school or declining academic performance
  • Excessive fearfulness or worrying
  • Enduring sadness and crying or hopelessness
  • Strong negative feelings about him- or herself
  • Outbursts of uncontrollable anger or overreacting
  • Persistent or extreme concerns about physical appearance
  • Repetitive habits and rituals like hand-washing, counting or touching
  • Worry about being harmed, hurting others or doing something “bad”
  • Excessive sexual thoughts or actions
  • Having racing thoughts that are too fast to follow
  • Stealing
  • Using drugs or alcohol
  • Eating large amounts of food and then vomiting, exercising excessively, or abusing laxatives to avoid weight gain
  • Obsessive dieting and/or exercising
  • Seeing things or hearing voices that others do not see or hear




Make an appointment and we’ll contact you.

    Contact us for an appointment

    What type of appointment would you like to schedule?*

    Would you like to schedule for virtual or in person?*

    Your Name*

    Your Email*

    Guardian Name(s) if client is under 18, N/A if 18+ - if for couples therapy provide partner's name*

    Your Phone Number*

    Your Insurance information*

    Your insurance ID and group number (This helps us verify benefits. It may contain letters and numbers)

    Please upload a copy of the front and back of your insurance card*

    Patient Date of Birth*

    Do you have a therapist preference?

    Additional information*