A watercolor painting depicting a serene therapy session. One half shows a therapist and a patient engaged in an in-person therapy session in a cozy, well-lit office with plants and comfortable furniture. The other half shows a video session with a therapist and a patient connecting through a laptop, with the patient sitting in a comfortable home setting. The patients are clearly visible in both settings, illustrating a sense of support and connection.

In-Person Therapy vs. Video Sessions: Benefits and Drawbacks

July 12, 2024 - by Brian Sedgeley - in Telehealth

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In the evolving landscape of mental health care, the choice between video sessions and in-person therapy has become increasingly relevant. Both modalities offer unique benefits and drawbacks, making it essential for patients to understand which option best suits their needs. At Bay Psychology Group, Inc., we provide both video sessions and in-person therapy services, ensuring

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Social Media and Mental Health: A Psychoanalytic Perspective

April 09, 2024 - by Helen Veazey - in Health, Medical

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How technology changes society With each wave of new technology, society changes profoundly. With the invention of the printing press in the mid-15th century the dissemination of information sped up dramatically leading to increased literacy, the spread of new ideas, and the democratization of knowledge. Disruptive technologies like the telegraph and the TV have long

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