Local Mental Health Referrals for Hospitalization and Crises


Call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room


24 hour National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255 
Warm Line:  1-855-845-7415
Friendship Line (crisis and warm line for older adults): 1-800-971-0016

24-hour crisis line

510-536-7233 | www.asafeplacedvs.org

Adult Protective Services: 

Child Protective Services

T.A.L.K. Line (for parents under stress)
(415) 441-5437

San Francisco – Crisis

Psychiatric Emergency Services: (415) 206-8125
Comprehensive Child Crisis: (415) 970-3800
Dore Urgent Care Clinic (crisis residential):  (415) 553-3100

Mobile Crisis Team: (415) 970-4000 
S.F. Suicide Prevention: (415) 781-0500 

Alameda Crisis

Alameda County 24-hr Crisis Line:  1-800-309-2131
Mobile Crisis Team: (510) 981-5254 
Berkeley Mobile Crisis Team crisis and resource line:  (510) 981-5244


John George Psychiatric Pavilion

Herrick Hospital – Alta Bates Medical Center (Berkeley)
510-204-4405 https://www.sutterhealth.org/absmc/services

Low Fee Referrals

ACCESS Program (Acute Crisis Care and Evaluation for System-wide Service)
This is the number to call to be referred to all county mental health services. Open to all Alameda county residents. Offers services in Spanish and in 8 Asian languages.



Make an appointment and we’ll contact you.

    Contact us for an appointment

    What type of appointment would you like to schedule?*

    Would you like to schedule for virtual or in person?*

    Your Name*

    Your Email*

    Guardian Name(s) if client is under 18, N/A if 18+ - if for couples therapy provide partner's name*

    Your Phone Number*

    Your Insurance information*

    Your insurance ID and group number (This helps us verify benefits. It may contain letters and numbers)

    Please upload a copy of the front and back of your insurance card*

    Patient Date of Birth*

    Do you have a therapist preference?

    How did you get referred to us?*

    Additional information--if you selected other in the "How did you get referred to us?" question please use the space below to elaborate on your response.*